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Ceci est une version archivée de ApiSoundAndMusicDetails à 2005-01-15 20:42:53.

26.2 Details

26.2.1 int raydium_sound_LoadWav(const char *fname)

This function tries to load the fname wav file into a buffer, if successful, it returns the source id, else quits properly the main program.
26.2.2 void raydium_sound_SetSourceLoop?(int src, char loop)

Modifies the loop property of the src source (loops if loop is non-zero, default value for a source is ``true'').

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.3 void raydium_sound_GetSourcePitch?(int src, ALfloat *p)

Returns the actual pitch value of src source into p.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.4 void raydium_sound_SetSourcePitch?(int src, ALfloat p)

Sets the p pitch value of src source.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.5 void raydium_sound_GetSourceGain?(int src, ALfloat *g)

Returns the actual gain value of src source into g.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.6 void raydium_sound_SetSourceGain?(int src, ALfloat g)

Sets the g gain value of src source.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.7 void raydium_sound_GetSourcePos?(int src, ALfloat *Pos[])

Returns the actual position of src source into Pos. Pos is an array[3] of ALfloat.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.8 void raydium_sound_SetSourcePos?(int src, ALfloat Pos[])

Sets the Pos position of src source. Pos is an array[3] of ALfloat.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.9 void raydium_sound_GetSourceDir?(int src, ALfloat *Dir[])

Returns the actual direction of src source into Dir. Dir is an array[3] of ALfloat.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.10 void raydium_sound_SetSourceDir?(int src, ALfloat Dir[])

Sets the Dir direction of src source. Dir is an array[3] of ALfloat.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.11 void raydium_sound_GetSourceVel?(int src, ALfloat *Vel[])

Returns the actual velocity of src source into Vel. Vel is an array[3] of ALfloat.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.12 void raydium_sound_SetSourceVel?(int src, ALfloat Vel[])

Sets Vel velocity of src source. Vel is an array[3] of ALfloat.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.13 void raydium_sound_GetListenerPos?(ALfloat *Pos[])

Acts like the raydium_sound_Get/SetSource?... but this time for the listener.

26.2.14 void raydium_sound_SetListenerPos?(ALfloat Pos[])

Acts like the raydium_sound_Get/SetSource?... but this time for the listener.

26.2.15 void raydium_sound_GetListenerOr?(ALfloat *Or[])

Returns the actual orientation of the listener into Or. Or is an array[6] of ALfloat like this:

{x,y,z, x2,y2,z2}

ATvector UPvector

26.2.16 void raydium_sound_SetListenerOr?(ALfloat Or[])

Sets the Or orientation of the listener. Or is an array[6] of ALfloat like this:

{x,y,z, x2,y2,z2}

ATvector UPvector

26.2.17 void raydium_sound_GetListenerVel?(ALfloat *Vel[])

Acts like the raydium_sound_Get/SetSource?... but this time for the listener.

26.2.18 void raydium_sound_SetListenerVel?(ALfloat Vel[])

Acts like the raydium_sound_Get/SetSource?... but this time for the listener.

26.2.19 void raydium_sound_SourcePlay?(int src)

Plays the src source.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.20 void raydium_sound_SourceStop(int src)

Stops playing the src source.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

26.2.21 int raydium_sound_load_music(char *fname)

Opens fname ogg music file and prepairs Raydium for playing it.

The music will be automatically played after a call to this function.

Returns 0 if ok, -1 if error.

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