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Ceci est une version archivée de ApiTimecallsDetails à 2005-01-16 00:23:52.

27.2 Details

27.2.1 void raydium_timecall_add(void *funct, GLint hz)

There is two sort of timecalls with Raydium:

1. Standard ones:


void function(void) will be called 800 times per second.

2. Elastic timed ones:


void function(float step) will be called for each frame, with a "step factor" as argument. In the above example, a 160 Hz game will call function with step = 0.5, but step = 2.0 for a 40 Hz game.

A standard timecall will use void(void) function and a positive hertz argument, as an elasitc one will use void(float) and negative hertz argument.

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