Here we will show a few steps to help in this project developing something.
You can find 2 situations:
1- You want to modify/fix/extend raydium code (editing previous files).
2- You want to add a new feature in Raydium (creating new files).
TODO the first situation.
Creating new files
The raydium specific code is located mainly in two folders:
/raydium/raydium and
raydium/raydium contents the c files, while
raydium/raydium/headers contents the .h files.
If you want to add, for example, a newfeature:
you must create
/raydium/raydium/newfeature.c. You can put this at the begining of the file:
Raydium - CQFD Corp.
License: GPL - GNU General Public License, see "gpl.txt" file.
#include "index.h"
#include "headers/newfeature.h"
/raydium/raydium/headers/newfeature.h. Here you can put at begining:
Then, you can put the specific code in those files, following the
After that, you have to add those files to the compile. This is achieved editing the
Makefile of raydium. In that file we have to locate the line
HEADERS= and we will add
Also we will have to edit
raydium/index.c to add
#include "newfeature.c" And finally we have to edit
raydium/index.h adding
#include "headers/newfeature.h". These both modifications should be done before the
#ifdef PHP_SUPPORT line (at least in the main cases).
Then, with a
make clean and a
make, we are ready.
That should be enought.