Tutorials about application creation over Raydium
Before following these tutorials, you should install Raydium, as is explained here:
Tutorial 1:
MiFirstRaydiumApplication? (finished)
Tutorial 2:
TutorialMovingObjects? (finished)
Tutorial 3:
TutorialUsingPhysics? (99 %)
Tutorial 4:
TutorialUsingPHP? (90%)
Tutorial 5:
TutorialPhysicsAndNetworking? (0%)
Tutorial 6:
TutorialUsingSound? (40 %)
Tutorial 7:
TutorialCreatingAParticleGenerator? (0 %)
Tutoriel 8:
TutorialGraphicInterface? (0 %)
More info about
Also, if needed, you can check
RaydiumModler related doc.
For using 3DS,Blender,... files with Raydium, see
For Creating
LightMaps, check
FsRadRay doc.
This tutorials are focused to help. So if you find a bug or any other kind of problem related , fix them (or just warn us about them) as soon as possible, specially those that are almost finished (advancer than 90%)